Early childhood

I have a vivid recollection of moving into a family home as a child and discovering old machinery in the garden that had been left behind by the previous owner. These large wood-cutting and gardening machines left a lasting impression on me and fueled my desire to simplify things through invention and the creation of machines powered by movement or transmission. My interest in computer software and hardware was piqued when my family acquired their first computer in the 90s. I was always curious about what computers could do beyond basic document editing, printing, and gaming, often asking others for their opinions.


Elementary school sparked my interest in physics and computer science, particularly computer-controlled devices. In 7th grade, I created a program that automatically opened my curtains at 6:40 a.m. every morning, using a small electromagnetic motor connected to my computer's parallel port. This led me to choose Network Programming and Computer Science at the University of Óbuda for my studies. During university, I participated in various software engineering projects, often taking charge and managing them. After passing my state exam, I founded a company that developed catering software for bars and restaurants, marking my first foray into entrepreneurship.

Professional career

After my first business venture failed, I set out to gain new skills by moving abroad. I first went to London, then to Vienna, where I joined an international team as a software engineer. While working there, I honed my project management skills and even had the opportunity to spend a few months in Silicon Valley for a project with Google. After spending a few years in Vienna, I applied to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where I was given the role of software engineer in the joint virtual reality team of the institute, and eventually became the technical director of the ApertusVR project. The job was a great challenge, requiring me to study technological solutions, develop the right services with the team, and handle the planning and scheduling of production. Additionally, I focused on customer satisfaction, analyzing their feedback to enhance their experience.


When I was younger I never thought I wanted to own a business. I didn’t realize it at that time, but my first venture was preparing me for entrepreneurship:

  • I had a vision and I designed goals to achieve them,
  • I had my own motivation: no one asked me to complete my duties on time. If customers could not be obtained, there was no revenue,
  • It was up to me to figure out services and features, pricing, and marketing strategy, to build a profitable business,
  • and I had to keep customers happy, deal with a bunch of different requirements, and sell the product to new customers.

2016 - present | Akos Hamori