
Graphene is a visual flow-based programming tool.


LocaJam is an app that makes it easy to find
upcoming events with an interactive map.

Industrial Data Collection Solution

IMM-Data helps plastics, metal and food manufacturing companies achieve cost reduction and better efficiency with collection and analyzation of data from production machines and peripherals using its’ custom, monthly fee-based, cloud hosted software and hardware platform.

VR Training Revolution

Pix VR is a tech company with over 5 years of experience in immersive technologies. Pix VR's goal is to revolutionize industrial training by focusing on the whole workforce lifecycle including the selection process, training, re-training, and evaluation of employees through the use of spatial computing and analytics.



TechBlocks is a platform that allows users to design tech systems through an interactive drawing canvas as well as centralize technical architecture-related knowledge. It is aimed at anyone (technical or non-technical) working, studying and/or researching in a technological field.

Technologies: Node.js, Angular, Ionic, GraphQL, Neo4j Graph Database, WebSockets, AWS


Giverland is a sharing economy platform to share objects, services, events, help, and jobs in your local community. Most of the things we need are already available in our local community.  It's built on top of the original sharing economy idea, mixed with gift and barter economy using state of the art technology.

Technologies: Node.js, Angular, Ionic, Feathers, MongoDB, WebSockets, AWS

VR Engine - ApertusVR

ApertusVR offers a brand new "no vendor lock-in" approach for virtual and augmented reality on different operating systems and on different virtual and augmented reality hardware.

This higher abstraction level enables that the business logic has to be implemented once and then it works on any platform. Moreover, these different virtual and augmented reality hardware can be used in a shared virtual reality scene at the same time.

The ApertusVR engine only contains libraries to easily integrate the virtual and augmented reality technologies into already existing products. With the help of the factory plugins and samples, ApertusVR could boost up the creation of a minimum viable product from scratch.


Joining SZTAKI to Khronos Group

The Khronos Group is an American non-profit member-funded industry consortium based in Beaverton, Oregon, focused on the creation of open standards, royalty-free application programming interfaces for authoring and accelerated playback of dynamic media on a wide variety of platforms and devices.

As one of ApertusVR's goal is common with Khronos Group's goal (eliminating XR hardware market fragmentation), it was trivial to our group to join our institute (SZTAKI = Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) to Khronos Group and contribute to OpenXR working group.

Medical Expert System

This project aims to develop and evaluate computer-based methods for improved detection and classification of colorectal lesions, specifically polyps. Up to 1000 polyps, 10 mm or smaller, will be detected and stored in a web-based picture database created with BLI colonoscopy. These polyps will then be imaged and removed for analysis. A deep learning algorithm will be used to analyze the polyp images. The results of the automatic classification will be compared to human observers who are blind to the histological standard, evaluating sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, positive predictive value, and accuracy.

VLF Digital Factory Framework

The Virtual Learning Factory (VLF) Toolkit is a set of existing digital tools integrated into a common toolkit to support engineering courses dealing with manufacturing. The toolkit consists of two main components: VLF Digital Factory Framework and  VLF Tools.

The VLF Digital Factory Framework is a common and extensible data model for the representation of factory objects related to production systems, resources, processes, and products. It mainly relies on existing standards and regulations with the aim to guarantee effective applicability for the ranges of objects described. The VLF Framework is based on previous results of CNR-ITIA and POLIMI.

The VLF Digital Factory Framework is continuously growing by the result of academic use cases and industrial case studies.

Immersive Virtual Reality Display

SZTAKI's CAVE (3D Immersive Virtual Reality Display) has three special walls that allow images to be projected on them, surrounding the people using it. It creates the illusion of being inside a virtual environment. The walls of the VR Display are made up of rear-projection screens, and high-end projectors. The user can see 3D images of objects in the virtual scene using special glasses. The 3D view is generated by the movements of the user using a head tracking sensor.


Within the confines of the Symbio-tic project, our group has participated in a common project with the Research Laboratory on Engineering and Management Intelligence. In this common project, the main task was to virtualize the production environment and visualize real-time data. The virtual space serves as a sandbox for experimenting and fine-tuning of production procedures and for consulting with colleagues. All of the participants of the factory (humans, software, and hardware) can communicate and share knowledge on the highest cognitive level – on the level of the visualization.

Remote Monitoring System for industrial robots

At baseClass Automation Ltd, our group has designed and developed a remote desktop application to manage, program and control industrial robots from other computers over LAN or Internet. I had to take responsibility for designing, writing documentation and programming. Our team developed a client-side and a robot-side application that communicates over gateway servers. We also developed a plug and play hardware component that offers easy and secure connection to Robot Monitoring Suite servers while isolating the robot controllers from the public Internet.

University Projects

The general goal was to construct and implement a robot arm using a Lego NXT kit, and control it over the internet. The specific goal was to create an inexpensive and easy to use robot platform that can efficiently be used in education. I also attended the 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES) in 2011 and presented our R&D.

Technologies: C#, Lego NXT SDK, inverse kinematics
Year: 2011


I had to lead a team in development and design/develop an application that contains all features and services for bars and restaurants. We successfully introduced an application with modular architecture which is called CaterMaster.

2016 - present | Akos Hamori